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Don't stop believing!

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

Vision card created 2009-TEDxFarmingdale stage 2019

Ten years ago, I created the vision card above and kept in a special box. At the time I didn’t even have a vision board and, as you can clearly see, there was minimal creativity that went into putting it together. This didn’t matter, because the intention was infused with creative loving energy which was most important.

Imagine my surprise when I put these two pictures together and saw how similar the stages were! This was absolute proof that our dreams do matter and that they can come true!

Whatever your dream may be, trust that it didn't come from out of nowhere, but from a higher calling of your soul. It was given to you for a reason, and I sincerely believe that’s why taking action towards fulfilling your dream is the only way to know what you’re made of. It’s in this process that you’ll come to discover how powerful, magical, resourceful, creative and connected you truly are.

When I was young, I loved performing and making people laugh. I actually led an improv troupe, not knowing what an improv was. At my church, one of the highlights of every holiday was my troupe’s performance. However, as I got older I developed severe performance anxiety. Though I was a member of my high school drama club, you’d never know it, because I couldn’t bring myself to go on stage. It felt safer to hide out in the background. The interesting thing about our soul’s calling is we can run, but we cannot hide.

Last year while attending a spiritual workshop, I had the pleasure of connecting with Tricia Brouk, one of the expert presenters. Tricia is a former TEDxLincoln Square producer and TV Director. I immediately fell in love with her energy, and was drawn to her like bees to honey. In my excitement, I blurted out “I’m going to be on your stage!” But, in the back of my mind, I had my doubts. A few weeks later, I received an email from Tricia inviting me to participate in her Speaker Salon training program, which, at the end of eight weeks, featured participants giving a speech in front a live audience. Because I had already made such an elaborate declaration to her and the universe, there was no way I could possibly say no!

I enrolled in Tricia’s program, and after months of hard work and preparation, I was finally ready to give my first public speech at the Speaker Salon Finale. Little did I know that TEDxfarmingdale producer George Androupolous was in the audience, and after the event, he invited me to apply for his stage. As you might have guessed, the second photo tells the rest of the story. The universe is always conspiring in our favor to bring our dreams to reality, but we must do our part!

My journey to the TEDx stage was one of the most exhilarating, humbling and somewhat challenging experiences of my life. It stretched me way beyond my comfort zone so that I could access more of the magic, brilliance and power within to fulfill my Divine Purpose. At the end of the day, that’s what our soul intends for us.

Many times we’re held back because we don’t know exactly what our part is. If that’s the case for you, here’s a few insights to help you along the way...

1.Declare your desires to the universe, no matter how big or small. Share them with people you know will support you, and most importantly, infuse them with the energy of love and contribution for the highest good of all.

2.Pay attention to the signs and, ACT on them! What you ask for could show up in the form of an opportunity to take a program, a class or work with a mentor. Don’t hesitate act on these. I cannot stress this enough! Most of my clients didn’t even know they were looking for me. They declared that something needed to change in their lives, and then I showed up! The journey towards our dreams is along a path that’s set by Divine Design for us to grow.

3.Trust in Divine Timing! I can seriously be impatient at times...... ok, a lot! While I acted on every opportunity to bring my soul’s calling to fruition, I spent a good chunk of energy worrying why was it taking so long. When we pursue our dreams with the energy of worry and impatience, not only will it take twice as long, but we’re also making ready for a rocky ride. Last year I took time off and went under what I call “Spiritual Reconstruction.” This was my way of letting go, and letting source lead. It was only then that the path of least resistance was made clear, and I became a magnet for the right people and circumstances to appear.

4.Never, Ever, Ever Give Up!

Your dreams will never give up on you, so don’t give up on them!

Massive Love & Blessings


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